From the creators of The Triumphant Heart: Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita on Yogic Living in Challenging Times

 The Radiant Heart

Lessons from the Bhakti Tradition on Spiritual Living in Challenging Times    

21-Day Online Program

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 Lessons from the Bhakti Tradition on Spiritual Living in Challenging Times    

 21-Day Online Program

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Journey to the Heart

Find inner fulfillment, replenishment, and inspiration in the wisdom of the Bhakti tradition for living with compassion and resilience in challenging times.

Join us for a 3-week deep dive into the most relevant and timely teachings for purposeful living right now. We begin on February 5, 2024.









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Align with the Power of Love

In a world that can feel so fractured, heart-centered practices can open us to the experience of spiritual love: for others, for ourselves, for affirmation beyond our confusion, and for life itself.

In this course, you'll learn how to approach the complexities and possibilities of life’s journey as opportunities to open to, strengthen, and clarify this experience of abiding love at the core of spiritual life.

You'll discover what it means to live life illumined and supported by spiritual love, known in yoga as bhakti. 

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February 5-25

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One year access

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Self-paced Sessions

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Teaching Talks & Integration Sessions

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Live Asana Classes

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Guided Self-Inquiry

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Live Q&A Sessions

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Discover Spiritual Love as the Foundation of a Meaningful Life

Bhakti yoga, the yoga of the Heart, is often called the most accessible path toward yogic union. Steeped in the rich Indian devotional tradition, the teachings of Bhakti yoga guide us toward a universal experience that's echoed by sacred traditions the world over: the deep-seated connection, happiness, and contentment that comes from recognizing our true nature as love.

We’ll contemplate key passages from Narada's Bhakti SĹ«tra, a pivotal 10th century text about the nature of spiritual love that can inform our own lives today.

Guided by Prof. Bill Mahony’s translation and commentary, you’ll refine your understanding of spiritual love and integrate your study with practices throughout the course.

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Thank you with all my heart for your daily messages and inspiration. I have been a student, teacher and practitioner of yoga for over forty years. Each phase of life brings new insights, new challenges and new growth to the realization and expression of love through me in my life. … your daily insights have been like an oasis that has been enriching and nourishing to my spiritual life, as well as to the navigation of the turn in the road my daily life has taken.  

Marilyn Dixon

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I finished watching the recording feeling wrapped in a warm hug of love: from our sessions together, our contemplations, our community and Love itself and all that this study of Bhakti and the radiant heart has opened up for me… now and moving forward. Thank you both for sharing these wonderful weeks with us, much appreciated🥰

Lucy Hunter

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Thank you so much for this amazing course, I truly enjoyed all aspects of it.

Karen Eberhardt

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Thank you so much for this beautiful course, it has been such a gift! The meaning and depth of the sutras came alive through your teaching and contemplations.

Jo Tennent

Join Others in Contemplative Study

You’ll experience this course as part of a cohort. Everyone in the group will receive the course sessions at the same time. They will remain available on-demand so you can complete and revisit all the materials in your own time.

You and your fellow students will be able to comment on all the sessions and ask questions. Comments and questions will be addressed by Barrie in writing and in the integration sessions. Bill and Barrie will also host 2 live Q&A sessions during the course.

Here are the topics we will explore:

  • Week 1: What is Bhakti?
  • Week 2: A Life Illumined by Bhakti Sensibilities
  • Week 3: Fruits of a Spiritual Life Nourished by Bhakti

Partial scholarships are available if you are in need of a reduced rate. Contact us for more information.

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Enroll for only $120

This course includes a combination of on-demand and livestream sessions. All livestreamed sessions are recorded and available on the course platform so you can work through the material in your own time and revisit it as often as you wish. You will have access to all course materials for one full year from the starting date.

Each week of our course includes:

  • Teaching talks from Bill
  • Reflection questions and exercises to bring the meaning and significance of the teachings to life for you right now
  • An integration session led by Barrie to further unpack the teaching focus
  • Livestreamed all-levels asana class as another way to assimilate the teachings on a physical level

Plus, Bill and Barrie will host two live-streamed Q&A sessions.

See the FAQs below for the detailed course schedule.

There is nothing you need to attend live, however, you will be able to participate and comment with your cohort.

Yoga teachers: This course qualifies for 7 CE hours with Yoga Alliance.


Draw Strength from Nurturing Your Love and Reverence for Life

The Bhakti tradition offers us a framework to cultivate a genuine experience of the inner state at the core of the yoga of the Heart, whatever our starting point. It offers ways to express and amplify this experience through concrete actions in our daily lives.

Spiritual love is a wellspring from which we can draw encouragement, inspiration, and resilience to strengthen us in uncertain and tumultuous times.  

You’ll explore how spiritual love manifests in daily life, in your emotions, and through your relationships. You'll gain tools to elevate your experience of love within yourself and with others.

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About the Teachers

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William K. Mahony is Professor of Religious Studies Emertitus at Davidson College. Bill, as he is known informally, has written and published extensively on the religions of India and has a deep understanding of yogic life, grounded in nearly five decades of his own spiritual practice. His books include The Artful Universe: An Introduction to the Vedic Religious Imagination and, most recently, Exquisite Love: Reflections on the Spiritual Life Based on Narada’s Bhakti Sutra.

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Barrie Risman is an internationally-recognized yoga teacher, public speaker, and author. Her best-selling book, Evolving Your Yoga: Ten Principles for Enlightened Practiceis a guide for teachers and continuing students to deepen, expand, and integrate the benefits of yoga in their lives. She teaches yoga around the globe through her ongoing classes, workshops, mentoring programs, and trainings, both online and in person.


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