The Real World

Sep 04, 2024


Biomimicry is the practice of learning from and emulating nature’s strategies to solve human design challenges.

It’s an emerging field of inquiry that holds great promise for creating more sustainable products, policies, and ways of living that are in harmony with the natural world, supporting individual, collective, and planetary healing.

Innovators worldwide are applying this approach in fascinating ways. Engineers are studying the formidable strength and elasticity of spider webs to create more durable, resilient materials. Architects are learning from termite mounds how to design more sustainable buildings.

This approach to inventing views nature as mentor, learning from its designs, processes, and systems. It’s rooted in respect for the natural world, honoring the self-organizing intelligence at its source and affirming our place as part of the great tapestry of inter-existence.

Yoga shares this understanding. The ancient yogis explored the inner landscape and discovered that we are made of the same elements as nature and patterned according to the same processes.

Just observe the similarities between your spinal column and nervous system and a tree’s trunk and branches.

Through cultivating presence, consider how practice opens your eyes to the miraculous, ingenious processes of life that exist all around you, hiding in plain sight.

Healing our imagined separation and restoring our true belonging to the web of life: It’s an awesome perspective – and possibility – for your practice.

Read more from the Beyond Asana blog