This line of Krista Tippett’s holiday greeting struck me:
Whatever sadness in your life and for the world you are holding as this year draws to a close, I hope you are also able to tether to what you love.
In a year that’s brought its share of personal challenges, this feels like a sentiment I can get behind.
In fact, leaning into what I love and turning toward what connects me to my joy has been the practice that has anchored me through life’s upheavals and transitions.
It's a natural time to envision your dreams and intentions for the coming year. It’s also a powerful moment to take stock of your allies – those people, places and practices where you find solace and sanctuary, that restore presence and aliveness.
You might find, like I unfailingly do, that goodness, beauty, and love are equally real as whatever pain you carry.
Whether it's the solitude of a frozen landscape, the support of a generous friend, or the steady rhythm of your breath, may you lean into to whatever leads you to the deep well of joy and strength, that source place that can’t help but to kindle the light of hope and renewal within.