Seeking Sanctuary

Oct 16, 2024



 My right hip had been bothering me for days. Familiar with my body’s quirks by now, I knew the source: my temperamental sacroiliac joint. During yesterday’s restorative practice, I chose a pose I knew would target the area - Cross-legged forward bend, Sukhasana.

As I folded into the stretch, it pinpointed the tightness and restriction with the precision I had hoped. I directed my breath like a laser, penetrating deep into the discomfort. I recognized the intensity as beneficial and lingered there. Breathing and feeling, I investigated the sensations with curiosity and infused each breath with self-compassion.

Emerging from the pose, the issue hadn’t magically resolved, but I felt noticeably more at ease. Instead of seeing my achy hip as an annoying nuisance or a problem to be solved, I felt a sense of acceptance and relief. 

Creating a compassionate inner space to be with the physical sensations and the accompanying emotions- and breathing through it all - shifted my perspective.

It occurs to me that one of yoga’s greatest gifts is the sanctuary it offers us.

Whether grappling with physical pain, emotional turmoil, or the stresses of daily life, our practice can be a refuge where we can breathe through our challenges and emerge renewed.

Consider how your yoga practice is more than physical exercise; it's a sacred dialogue with yourself. Each breath, each movement, can be an opportunity to listen deeply within and respond with kindness.

When we meet ourselves with tenderness and curiosity, we sanctify our inner world. Most powerfully, whatever burdens we’re carrying can be released into the vast space of awareness and love that’s big enough to hold it all.

Read more from the Beyond Asana blog