Indra’s Net​​​​​​​

Oct 02, 2024



Species loneliness – a deep, unnamed sadness stemming from estrangement from the rest of Creation, from the loss of relationships.

- Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

In our fractured world, perhaps the most vital role of an introspective yoga practice is to help heal our imagined separation from each other and all of life.

Indra’s net is a powerful metaphor that illustrates the truth of our interconnectedness. It originates from the Atharva Veda and was later elaborated by the Mahayana and Huayan schools of Buddhism.

It describes a net of jewels crafted by Lord Indra, the king of the gods, that stretches out infinitely in all directions. At each intersection of the net lies a glittering jewel. Upon closer inspection, one notices that the surface of each jewel reflects all the other jewels.  Moreover, each reflection contains reflections of all the other jewel, creating an endless cascade of reflections.

You might be wondering, “What does this have to do with my life?”

It represents the intricate ways our lives intertwine with each other and all of existence in myriad networks of relationship and reciprocity. It symbolizes our essential belonging to life as part of an interdependent whole.

What if you could genuinely feel this connection - not just intellectually grasp it, but truly experience it?

Yogic practices, particularly meditation, are like pressing pause on our usual, individualized sense of self. They soften the boundaries that typically hold us separate and open us to the vast expanse of consciousness we’re part of.

Our brains are wired to filter out this expanded awareness in our ordinary thinking state. While this limited perception is necessary for functioning in daily life, it’s helpful to remember it’s not the complete picture.

When we meditate with awareness of being part of larger, conscious whole, these filters can relax. It’s like clearing the fog from the windshield, so we can see the entire vista around us.

Affirming our interconnectedness can unlock new levels of compassion and empathy. We gain strength and purpose in solidarity and find comfort in knowing that we’re all in this together – each of us a unique, sparkling jewel held in life’s infinite web.

Read more from the Beyond Asana blog