A Holiday Blessing From Me to You

Dec 20, 2019


"May you always know the truth and see the light surrounding you."

I couldn't have said it any better than Dylan (obviously), but this is the blessing in my heart for each of you, and all of those you hold dear.

Isn't it true, that in the end, only love is what will remain? No matter what our accomplishments, our failures, our gains, our losses, love is the essence of what makes life worth living. It's the underlying ground of our own being that will always be there to welcome us, to embrace us, to hold us. It brings sweetness to all the flavours and colours of our lives.

Love is the source of all the great virtues we can experience and share, kindness, generosity, patience, presence, acceptance, compassion, and all the rest. They are simply ways of expressing the great love that lives inside of us. Love is what softens our hard edges, Love is the key that turns pain into growth. Love is what connects us all.

May you experience this truth as you give and receive love this holiday. 

And, above all, may you know you are deeply loved.

Happy Holidays!

Read more from the Beyond Asana blog